“Not racist but (black officers) just have a different way of working and it shows.”
This is one of the handful of insensitive, ignorant and racist text messages that Amber Guyger texted fellow police officers and friends. The text above was sent to another police officer mocking the supposed working style or work ethic of black police officers.
If you’re not familiar with the case, Guyger is the Dallas police officer that was convicted murder after fatally shooting Botham Jean.
Jean, a 26-year-old black male, was relaxing on his couch in his Dallas apartment on Sept. 6, 2018 when Guyger walked into the wrong apartment, on the wrong floor, and shot Jean twice because she thought he was a burglar.
Guyger testified in court that her actions were “not about hate” but about her fear that Botham Jean would attack her. We won’t know what was in Guyger’s mind, but it’s clear from her text messages that she has ideas and stereotypes black people that resulted in her shooting Jean.
To that we say: Yes that’s racist, Amber.